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Intelligent Shed
Application of temperature and humidity Sensor in Intelligent greenhouse

Since the widespread use of plastic film in agriculture, greenhouse planting techniques have emerged. The greenhouse is mainly used to provide plants with the right environmental conditions for their growth. In order to achieve the goal of cultivation under unsuitable seasons and geographical conditions, there are many factors in greenhouse planting that need to be controlled, such as temperature, humidity and concentration of CO _ 2, Only by controlling the factors related to plant growth in a suitable range can the normal growth of species be ensured and better results can be obtained.

At first, the management and management of greenhouses were done by hand, so the workload was higher and the demands on people themselves were higher, because for those who lacked the experience of greenhouse planting, Once these factors in the process of plant growth are not grasped and properly controlled, a series of problems arise in the growth of plants, which can bring about a devastating blow to planting. With the development and application of automatic control and sensor technology, Intelligent greenhouses are also emerging. Smart greenhouses use sensors to accurately measure and monitor plant growth environment factors and transmit measured data to the management and control center. Through comparative analysis and control of the relevant facilities in the greenhouse, the environmental conditions of the greenhouse are adjusted. The temperature and humidity sensor is the key element to measure the temperature and humidity of the greenhouse and plays a very important role in controlling the environment during the plant growth.

The degree of temperature and humidity in the environment will directly affect the growth of plants. When the temperature is too low, the activity of biological enzymes in plants will be lower, so the efficiency of photosynthesis is relatively low, and when the temperature is too high, The respiration of the plant itself will be stronger, and it will consume more energy. Therefore, it is not good for the growth of the plant. A suitable range of humidity is also an essential condition for plant growth. Measuring the temperature and humidity of the greenhouse by using a temperature and humidity sensor, and carrying out timely heat dissipation, ventilation, or heat preservation and humidification, can make the plant always under the best conditions of growth. It also contributes to higher yields.

Impact of moisture on agriculture and forestry

The definition of humidity: the less water vapor is contained in a given volume of air at a given temperature, the drier the air; the more moisture, the wetter the air is. The degree of dryness of the air is called "humidity". In this sense, the absolute humidity is commonly used. Relative humidity, relative humidity, mixing ratio, saturation difference and dew point are expressed as physical quantities; if the weight of liquid water in wet steam is expressed as a percentage of the total weight of steam, it is called the humidity of steam.

The instrument used to measure and record humidity is called a humidity recorder.

The effects of humidity on agriculture and forestry are as follows:

1.  Too low moisture in foggy forests can lead to soil and plant water loss and production reduction in agriculture.
2.  Humidity is also a very critical measure in the forestry and forest industry. In sawmills, people tend to water the wood that accumulates there. The wood itself has its own humidity, The humidity in the air is gradually approaching the humidity around the air. The change in humidity in this wood will lead to a change in the volume of the wood, which is very important to the forest industry.
3.  When storing wood, it is necessary to keep the air in direct contact with it in all directions, so as to avoid wood deformation or mildew. When laying the floor, it is best to leave the wood on the floor in the house for a day or two, so that it is the same as the humidity in the house. Otherwise, the wood on the floor may stretch or shrink after laying.